12. Januar 2019 – © Spurensucher
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Jahweh and the gloating putti


In 2014, in an arch-catholic church in Palermo (Chiesa di Sant'Ignazio all'Olivella) above the altar, I was surprised by the Hebrew stroke Jahweh. In my opinion not only the typography fell out of the frame, also the interpretation made me think. Later I had to find out that in France as well as in Germany there are frequently appearing decorations of the "houses of God" in this form.


So far I had not known that the Jewish (desert demon?) (God?) Yahweh was granted the Catholic God absolution. No less surprised I was to discover the Hebrew stroke Yahweh in a Catholic church in Palermo.


I then inquired a little whether the Moses invention of the God Yahweh (if Moses existed at all) still occurs elsewhere in Hebrew spelling or adorns the Catholic "places of worship".



Interesting also with this baroque church: The nickname of the church derives according to popular opinion from "olim villa" (it was a villa), because according to tradition the parental home of the patron saint Palermos Santa Rosalia stood here (source: Wikipedia). Apparently, the building was misused and extended for church activities at that time. The church was built in 1598 and was built in 1622 for the Society of San Filippo Neri on the occasion of the canonization (presumably of the martyr Ignatius of Antioch). Dome and bell towers were built later.


Surprisingly, this is more than usual, as I found out, since the Hebrew spelling of this dubious personification also "adorns" many church houses in Germany. (>> see list)



Jahweh since 2016 officially "Lord"

Not so long ago it became official: Since 2016 the highly controversial name Yahweh has been equated with "Lord" in the unity translation of the Bible. (>> see official announcement). So one may ask oneself who the Catholic faithful in God worship and whether they are aware of it. The masterminds will probably be.


Those who are interested in learning more about the "secret" language adaptation of the prominent religious scripture in favour of the controversial being "Jahweh", may get informed here:



I am frankly not sure whether all churchgoers here consciously subordinate themselves to the rewritten "spirit" or whether they have both knowledge and a concrete personal opinion to the questionable representation. Those who deal with the Old Testament position of "God" and his views, as well as with the infiltration of the Catholic Church by Jesuits, the Talmudic doctrine (so-called crypto-jews) and Zionist influences, may be faced with important insights here.
The close alliance of the Jesuits with the Illuminati is just as worth researching here as the general symbolization in church surroundings.


Putti in distress or with special charm?


They have been considered genderless since antiquity (already since the Greeks and Romans) and usually seem to be in a pretty good mood. They are usually found with golden wings, halfway neutral facial expressions - if not in a large majority in allegorical reference to the god of love Amor. Preferably they are known from the Christmas season, but God should sometimes use them as "postmen" for special messages.
They stand for a naive youth and are supposed to appear particularly innocent through their childlike pattern and their baby fat.


My observations of putti in Palermo were quite different. Surely not all putti can be sheared over the same comb, but I remembered them here around the above mentioned church (presumably it was exactly there - or one church further). Dark malicious facial expressions, strange actions, dead eyes.... maybe you can also get something out of such putti anomalies. Somehow suited the mood of this "house of prayer". In any case, I can't help suspecting that I'm exposed to a particularly " dark " spirit here.



What does this symbolism want to convey to us? Crashing angel or only slight indisposition? Bliss and harmony should hardly be the message here. The golden branch also looks as if it had been clearly affected. Normally we only know such attitudes from penitents or martyrs.



Tawdry, ambiguous or just diving away? The golden band seems to be a connecting element. After boundless innocence it doesn't look to me at all.




Ghost or Chucky? At least not an innocent angel, I'd assume. The creature emerges from a cloud that seems more like a torso. The head belongs to another body, doesn't it? Please unravel that for me ... The eyes look pretty dead anyway.




This anything but sexless putto comes up with a golden club. At least the facial expression is not quite so dark.




Putto on the jump? The lurking position here creates anything but trust.




This pair of putti seems to change a serious word with each other. The hairless angel creature (if it is one, because it also lacks the wings) takes the putto seriously in the lack.

