© Spurensucher - 11. September 2019

Anything but a mini quarry: Krummholzer chair



There are no easily researchable details about the Krummholzer chair, but this place is also put in the shoes of the Romans. As if there had been no civilizations before the Romans ...

Another stage on the "historical circular path of Leistadt": The Krummholzer chair. This is the rest of a megalithic complex on the highest point of the trail. Scientific explanation: "Roman quarry in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. It was exploited for parts of the city wall in Worms and for stone coffins ...".





You could literally call him "high seat." The Krummholzer chair is said to have been a mining site for gravestones and stone coffins? Hard to believe ... Especially for someone who made the hiking trail up to here.


From my point of view for a quarry even smaller than much too small and therefore ridiculous. It is also unbelievable that one wants to have climbed up to the highest point of a mountain in order to bounce 5-10 stones with difficulty? This could have been easier or more accessible down in the valley (Bad Dürkheim, for example). There, there are numerous developed quarries, e.g. the Kriemhildenstuhl. I personally believe that this circular path, which owes some explanations, has less to do with Romans than we are told.



Traces of machining on the rock; these are strangely not visible on the "seat".

View from the side ("side rest" of the oversized "chair").



In addition, you will find traces of processing that do not fit the quarry theme at all, e.g. channel inlets or drains, other processed rocks ...


Besides one finds rocks and stones worked in the undergrowth, which were left to the left by the science or indicate that no deeper investigations took place here at all. In the not so accessible mountain landscape there are certainly still many undiscovered surprises waiting. Personally, I did not have the heart to take portable rock anomalies or processed artefacts from the area with me. It is enough for me to document them ...



