© Spurensucher - 18. November 2019

Selbst für Vegetarier: Mehr oder weniger appetitanregende Mineralien


What looks to me like a heartily sliced piece of Black Forest ham, science regards as chalcedony. Instead of a soft piece of easily edible meat we see here a variation of the structure in a remarkable Mohs hardness of 6.5 - 7 - and thus almost as hard as quartz.


During my unconscious foray through the world of minerals, I repeatedly encounter minerals that I automatically associate with the nearest butcher's shop. This is also the case with this so-called "Sarder" - a chalcedony variety ... also known as carnelian.


The name carnelian probably comes from the Latin "carnis" (meat), "corneus" (horn-like) or from "cornum" (carnel cherry). All three expressions refer to the appearance ...



Hildegard von Bingen as an engraved bust in the German Gemstone Museum. In her medical work "Physica", the world-famous abbess and naturopath has collected important naturopathic effects of minerals in addition to medicinal plants.


Hildegard von Bingen writes: "Carnelian comes more from warm than cold air and is found in the sand. She advises: "When blood flows from someone's nose, then heat wine, put a carnelian in the heated wine and give it to that person to drink, and the blood will stop flowing, because the good pure warmth (of the stone) together with the warmth of the warmed wine brings the unjust flooding of the blood in the nose to a standstill: The warm wine together with the power of this stone holds back the blood flowing out of the nose and strengthens the brain, which has been weakened by the outflow of blood."


Incidentally, it is also aptly called blood stone. Once again, the Roman era is said to have been the trigger for discovering this "healing stone" and its effect for oneself. Whether the various energetic influences apply positively to everyone must of course be tried out. I myself have not yet made the attempt.


As always, the scientists provide an explanation for everything: the high iron content is said to be responsible for the colour. For me, this is not yet a sufficient explanation for this - admittedly - particularly explosive piece with a high risk of confusion. But we don't want to overtax our imagination.


Here typical carnelian or bloodstones; look like petrified drops of blood ...



Rhodochrosite - Memories of a pepper salami

Another area of the mineral butcher's department are the banded rhodochrosite, which undoubtedly remind one of a salami roll. These minerals can also be processed into gemstones so that they no longer have the characteristic "salamiform". Rhodochrosite from South Africa or Argentina are sometimes used for artistic bowls, decorative eggs or balls. Wikipedia explains: "The classical banding occurs similarly to lime dripstones due to the influence of water and the associated layered deposition of the mineral dissolved in the water. The fluctuating mineral concentration of the water forms different deposition layers and thus the characteristic pattern". Is this enough to explain it to us? If the experiment can be repeated artificially, I like to be convinced. Whether there are such reproduction processes is not known to me ...



Would you like some more? This mineral can also be "prepared" in slices - as a cold cut.



Plenty of choice of internal organs

The same mineral also literally occurs "bundled" in nature and is thus reminiscent of intestinal loops of large mammals or even larger.




This shape certainly isn?t most common, however this Cinnabarite find from Spain (here also called cinnabar) looks like this. It is relatively soft with a Mohs hardness of only 2-2.5 and can also be worked with a fingernail. Personally this specimen reminds me at least of a petrified inner organ, possibly of a heart? The mineral officially counts on sulfides and sulfosalts.



This is how it could look if innards are first brought to the boil and then petrified. The haematite is also called blood stone, just like iron luster, specularite, red iron stone and red iron ore. The same healing rules of Hildegard von Bingen shall apply to him.


It is similar emotionally with the following mineral, the official name of which I have unfortunately missed.



And ruby can also look like this if it has not yet been made into a gemstone and is presented to us in this form. It reminds me a little of a liver. By the way, chrome is said to be responsible for the red cast. Also with this mineral the healing effects are astonishing according to numerous sources.



With all the examples I am of course aware that they can also occur in other forms. I'm not necessarily a supporter of mudfossil theories and basically don't suffer from pareidolia. However, the accumulation of similarities with organic components is considerable if you continue to explore the world of minerals. Further discoveries with optical relations to organic structures will be added here.


And a little bit past is also the fact that such "ham" inlays like these here are only rudimentarily reminiscent of familiar forms of organic material. Nevertheless, it is remarkable what "crystallizes" over time.

