A sea of Dolomite boulders invites you to some thought games. A proverbial "fairytale landscape" surprises with bizarre shapes, a sea of impressions and diverse geometries.
Lizard or bird forms can be derived from the sometimes highly individual rock modulations. An Eldorado for mudfossil theorists (with whom I personally do not necessarily agree).
A stone's throw away from the village of Wohlmannsgesees in the district of Forchheim/Oberfranken lies the Druidenhain, a rock maze of mighty dolomite blocks. The bizarre rock formations stimulate the imagination and sometimes surprise with their symmetry and peculiar shapes. Some of them have names like "Taufstein", "Opferstein", "Wächter", "Altar" or "Kanzel". Science does not mince its words when it comes to ridiculing geomants, mystics or astronomical studies. The structure of the rock blocks, some of which are conspicuously parallel and running in one direction, allegedly has nothing to do with artificial formation (keyword in technical jargon: anthropogen) - at least that is what geologists want to agree on. However, they leave a back door open for themselves, as their research is basically not complete. Quotation: "In the forest area 'Druidenhain' there is a flat rocky outcrop that has disintegrated into individual boulders along two fracture systems. These show partly 'sacrificial bowls'-shaped carts."
The long rock spurs often (but not always) extend parallel above the earth's surface. Geologists can make a rhyme out of it ... What it looks like beneath the surface, however, remains hidden to us. Only geological models should help us.
Are the rift lines and the other rock anomalies to be explained purely geologically, or was there a "hand" placed at some corners or ends? The author Rainer Krämer is rather condescending and in his book "Von schwarzen Pyramiden und anderen Rätseln ..." (Of black pyramids and other puzzles ...) takes the view that their mysterious appearance in the stone labyrinth calls on esotericists who suspect Celtic cult sites behind it. He claims: "Scientific objections are completely pointless and more and more tourists visit this place every year". (The latter alone seems to give him a stomachache). He further disparages: "The author himself had a rather bizarre encounter there, when a troop of more than two dozen flower children settled inside the labyrinth in the middle of the forest, probably to take up the positive vibrations. (Quote from his book).
The actual labyrinth idea arises not least from the cuboid structures that flank more or less narrow paths, which sometimes make you lose your orientation.
Even from a purely scientific point of view and despite all mockery, the author seems equally unenlightened, for at least it was claimed on notice boards that various stones of humans could have been moved into their present position (Institute for Geology and Mineralogy of the University of Erlangen - Remeasurement 1989 by Dipl. Geol. A.). Beier and Dipl. Geol. Th. Hochsieder, Nuremberg). Prehistory: Before the "re-measurement", two authors were already involved and published their findings on the subject. Shortly afterwards, new results of the "scientific" investigations - which, as already mentioned, were conspicuously carried out only shortly or immediately after the two book publications - were hastily presented somewhat more categorically: Science vehemently stated that these were (but were) no anthropogenic (i.e. man-made) rocks. After all, 30 test drillings were carried out and nothing "un-natural" could be found in this respect. General statement after 30 drill holes over an area of more than 50,000 square meters.
Perhaps the geologists should not be reproached because they are not archaeologists and therefore not responsible for extensive excavations. The latter, however, should not feel called upon by the previous "expertise" to work here on their own initiative.
Hiding places, caves, collapsed entrances to the earth? There are no limits to your imagination. Archaeologists seem to see no need for action, geologists have already created "facts".
Whether there are no anthropogenic traces at all here is highly doubtful. Even in such a confusing location, which encompasses more than 50,000 square metres of land, we were able to immediately discover a number of things that point to human traces of processing. Whether the site as a whole is of megalithic origin, I cannot make any final statement about it. This is basically a matter for the researchers, who would continue to remain inactive and would basically have to carry out a great deal of excavation work.
In any case, numerous rocks are so cuboid or symmetrical that the amount of coincidences alone would have to be statistically evaluated and put into proportion.
Once freed from the moss, interesting structures of individual rocks can be exposed.
As already said: Before that, the researcher Walther Machalett independently conducted research ("Der Druidenhain bei Wohlmannsgesees und seine Beziehung zur Megalithkultur des Abendlandes" in "Druidenhain und Externsteine bei Wohlmannsgesees", 3-6, 1986), and concluded that the druidenhain was remnants of cult sites of the megalithic period.
Another colleague author, Hermann Roggenkamp ("Der Druidenhain bei Wohlmannsgesees/Krs. Ebermannstadt/Ofr."), was also a member of the group. in "Druidenhain und Externsteine bei Wohlmannsgesees", 7-15, 1986), assumes that the boulders were worked and aligned by man. Unfortunately, none of the books is available anymore, which is really a pity.
Looks like stacked cleanly and sometimes you can also find cleanly cut blocks.
No reason to doubt the theory of geologists?
The origin of the name "Druidenhain" continues to be disputed. This is said to have appeared for the first time in BRÜCKNER´s Wanderführer "Die fränkische Schweiz und ihr Vorland", 3rd edition of 1912. Already a robber baron history from the 14th century is supposed to have used such a designation, which can be proven supposedly however nowhere in writing. According to tradition, the area was the scene of pagan rituals such as sacrifices.
Roggenkamp in particular based his research on municipal files which allow a written mention of the term "Druidenhain" to date back at least to 1863. Strangely enough, according to the district archive keeper, these municipal files are said to have disappeared in the meantime (source: Fränkischer Tag, 31.12.1993). What can happen within the last 30-40 years in the context of a somewhat more thorough research so everything. …
Science points out that erratic boulders and other imposing terrain have always been striking attractions and have thus provided material for myths and legends. Although this cannot be denied, human interventions and influences of "landscape design" should not be ignored in general. As a precautionary measure, science is expressing itself as follows: "The final assessment of the "Druidenhain" in the sense of a prehistoric cult site or a tourist site that has only recently emerged can only be carried out through extensive excavation. In the meantime, future special studies may contribute further to clarifying this problem."
It has remained with these words since 1990 and one can confidently claim that science has no interest whatsoever in pursuing anthropogenic traces (further) or even discovering even more interesting secrets here. Perhaps another provocative amateur researcher will have to write a book first, so that science can deal with it a little.
Parapet forms as a geological coincidence?
Striped cuboids like overturned square columns.
Science's explanation of this "hole" stone: "One of the most striking rock ribs in the Druidenhain, the so-called "baptismal font", has a strike of 145° on its long side; it is interrupted by transverse surfaces with strike values of 40° to 45°, whereby the dependence on the main fissure system is particularly pronounced here. The so-called sun turning hole contained in this stone shows a linear strike of 60° with a 3° fall to NE, so that here too the orientation towards an inhomogeneity surface in the rock striking from the Ore Mountains can be observed. (>> Source)
I can only recommend to visit this mystical place for yourself and to get a personal impression of the arrangement, the mood and the possibilities of human influence on the structure of the landscape. In my opinion, there is still no end in sight to the riddle of whether megalithic basic substance is present here or to what extent human influence has been exerted here.